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1980’s Disney Fantasia “Mickey and the Brooms” - Large
1980’s Disney Fantasia “Mickey and the Brooms” - Large
1980’s Disney Fantasia “Mickey and the Brooms” - Large
1980’s Disney Fantasia “Mickey and the Brooms” - Large
1980’s Disney Fantasia “Mickey and the Brooms” - Large
1980’s Disney Fantasia “Mickey and the Brooms” - Large
1980’s Disney Fantasia “Mickey and the Brooms” - Large

Ol' Shirty Bastard

1980’s Disney Fantasia “Mickey and the Brooms” - Large


Beautiful graphic with the necessary fade. Tough design to track down. Disney Character Fashions Tag. Light mark on sleeve. Whistle while you work. 

p2p - 21 

t2b - 27